Terramation Services


We Now Offer Terramation Services

Offered by Return Home

Return Home is our preferred partner of Terramation, ensuring access to a sustainable death care option that continues the cycle of life and transforms the experience of grief among families. Terramation is the process of gently transforms human remains into life-giving soil, allowing our final act to give back to the planet.

The Terramation Experience

1. Laying In Ceremony

Our laying in service allows families to bid their loved ones farewell in person or virtually. The vessel can also be personalized, both outside and inside, by adding items that express love.

2. Terramation

Oxygen flows through the vessel, which stimulates microbes in the body. These microbes rapidly transform the body into soil in just 30-40 days.

3. Resting

The soil is screened for inorganics and placed into a cube to rest and cool for the next 30 days.

4. Life Grows On

Beautiful, life-giving soil is ready to be returned or scattered at The Woodland.

What Goes Inside The Vessel to Aid Terramation?

Only straw, alfalfa, and sawdust go into the vessel to aid the terramation process. Each playing their own crucial role. This organic mixture stimulates naturally occurring microbes in the body.

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